Monday, June 8, 2009

When the randomness starts to kick in

Today i came early from work.......idunnolol.jpg ask the big boss hahaha owh he wanted to fix the car's allignment and wanted to take mum out for some ngau chap for lunch awww how romantic lulz

anyways i was sitting at home n i was bored out of my mind ! I wanted to go to the beach but it seems the weather was too hot to handle so i become malas to go out

in the end i started to take pictures of myself then i remembered got one funny pose my friend edgar showed me of his friend i took one pic and this was the result.....

ummm ok i look kinda phail here but i dunno how many of my friends laughed their head out looking at this hahaha
Thats wat u get when the randomness starts to kick in
This is KiR4 signing out!


  1. damnit, now i dunno when u'll be changing you display pic.

  2. Ummm *duh* ummm *duh* idunnolol.jpg huahuahua

  3. alar...bidak XD hahahahah

    ogie, kidding, jan nangis

  4. massy sa tau ko ketawa sana dun deny it hahahaha
